Me: "Is that how you spell it?"
Eric: "Yeah! That's perfect!"
Me: *happy*
So it was ridiculously hot today, and according to the forecast, it's going to be ridiculously hot tomorrow, too. The thing I hate about hot weather is that I have to do a lot of laundry on a more frequent basis because there's something too gross about re-wearing sweaty clothes. That's actually the same thing I hate about working out a lot. Unfortunately, il fait chaud and I've been working out a lot lately. (Sidenote about working out a lot lately: if you wear Reefs in the shower at the gym, they start smelling like poo. Or rotten cheese. Yeah. Not a good day when you walk around all morning sniffing and asking, "What's that smell?", only to discover it's coming FROM YOUR FEET.)
So I'm currently in Week 3 of MS2, and it's pretty neat-o. Suddenly the schoolwork is actually relevant, like learning how the heart works and all the things that can go wrong with it, and how to read an EKG and how Doppler echocardiograms work, and oh just the magic of life and health! And I just got the green light from an inspirational mentor of mine to work with her on my scholarly project: something nutrition-related, and hopefully publishable when it's done.
At the same time, though, I have this sense of the impending doom of all the bad things that come along with a life in medicine... the inability to be 100% involved in kids' lives, the increasing litigiousness of the healthcare consumer, the many failings of "the system".
On Monday I'll do my first physical exam of this school year. I'm pretty nervous, as it's been awhile. Hopefully Eric'll let me practice on him; shine light into his eyes, thump his back, push his liver, listen to his heart. Someday soon I'll do the same for him.
In other news: a new car! Mine! Soon! Which means: a trip to Philly, perhaps?? Will Analogy-hater still be there? (Please still be there! And oh, you have to read Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell, if you haven't already!)
Hi Jess! I just read an article in the Wall Street journal (during one of the interminably long flat-escalator rides at the Atlanta airport- more about that later. Oh, and haha get it? In-termina-bly?) about a new system in the Netherlands:
Don't know how much of the implemented ideas is old news to you, but there you are.
I actually started that book a while ago during one of my breaks at the bookstore! It seemed semi-interesting, but I think I ultimately went with something else. I'll definitely pick it up again though, since you recommend it.
And, I'll definitely try to time my return to philly to coincide with yours. My future is so uncertain right now, but all i know is I miss home and I'm happy to be back for the mo'
I like your blog =) yay for relevant classes!
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