Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Who? Me?

I'm having an identity crisis! My ID badge says "Jessica [New last name], MD", and the combination of "Dr." and the new last name are just not familiar to me. I'm like. Oh!! Me!! You're talking to me!! I wonder when I get used to all of it. And which will I get used to first, the Dr. part or the new last name part??

I am currently exhausted from being oriented to computers, rules, schedules, policies, security, saftey, etc. etc. for 12 hours a day. Ah, orientation. I shall blog more when I'm less tired (hee, yeah right) and have more time (haw). Or... when the major sporting events are over and I'm post-call or something. It turns out my month in the NICU was not in vain; I start in the NICU! And I'm overnight every 4 nights, which sucks but I'm kind of looking forward to it. But it means 80+ hour weeks, so we shall see how this goes.

Happy summer, yinz! Lakers in 7!! Gooo Gasol!

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