Thursday, June 03, 2010

Aloha from Paradise!

The subtitle to this blog post is:


We're married! We're in Kauai! We've been newlyweds for 4 days and in Hawai'i for 2.5 days!

Moreover, we're moved into our apartment in DC, Eric's done with finals and now an MS-2, Scope & Scalpel (the school play) is done x2, and I graduated and am an MD (this still hasn't set in yet)! (This all deserves like, a hundred exclamation points but I will spare you, you're welcome). The seemingly insurmountable mountain created by all the little (and big) tasks/events are behind us, and I really CANNOT believe it. There were times when I couldn't wait to be on the other side of it all, and there are definitely lots of aspects of the last few weeks that I am SO GLAD are behind us.

But the wedding itself flew by in flash, and Eric & I find ourselves poring over pictures people have posted to remind ourselves of all the moments that slipped us by. It was like the best dream I ever had. I've never felt surrounded by so much happiness, support, and love. And there's nothing better than hearing what a great time our guests had! I know I've said a million times that people should just elope, but I'm definitely in the have-a-wedding! camp now. Get married! Have a wedding! Please! You may not have the most generous and amazing family to fund the most amazing wedding ever, like we did, but really it's not about the venue or the flowers or the ridiculously nice rehearsal dinner(s) - it's about looking up and seeing all the best friends you ever had wipe tears away as you exchange your vows, and watching your parents dance with your friends as you ruin your wedding dress with all the fun you're having.

Thanks to everyone who came out. You added that much more to our happiness that day.

Ahhh happy!!!!!!!

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