The ED is the Emergency Department, which to most people is known as the "ER", probably largely due to the TV show (which ironically aired its final episode on the night of my first ED shift). "ED" also happens to be the much-publicized acronym for erectile dysfunction. All of this leads to a very confusing month of ED shifts where you talk about "I'm so tired from working the ED all day", and your fiance sorta giggles each time you open your mouth.
On Saturday I was in the ED when the shootout happened in Pittsburgh. I saw a lot, did a lot, and I think I'll always be affected by it all. Even though Emergency Medicine wasn't on my short list of career choices, on Saturday it got ruled out all together. My psyche cannot handle belligerent drunks, nice people in severe pain, and heroes who die on the same cold metal tables that their shooters are later saved on--not on any regular basis. For me, the excitement doesn't make it worthwhile. Plus I totally hate shift work. Give me a 5am start time every day over 5 random 10-hour shifts any day.
Anyway, that ended up being totally somber. On a happy note: I got my new camera in the mail yesterday, hoorah!
tee hee-- I haven't read past the first paragraph yet. Still chuckling.
paragraph two got serious. That was a really sad horrible thing to happen.
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