Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Let's go in reverse order, to end on a happy note:

1. The Ugly: Yesterday, I fell asleep on the couch around oh, 5ish. When Eric got home and we got ready to go on our run, I was still extremely lethargic; my body was still asleep. So I made the brilliant decision to have Eric brew me some espresso... which I never drink, let alone at 7pm. The run was great, and dinner was great, and putzing around on the internets was great.... but then when I tried to go to sleep at 11pm so I could wake up refreshed at 5:30 for my early ER shift this morning... I couldn't. I tried, and tried, and then it was 12:22am. I tried some more, and then it was 2:40am. I tried even harder, and it was 4:02am. I think I got about an hour of sleep. It was sorta awful. But not as awful as insomnia can be: I told myself not to freak out because at least if I was laying down and relaxing, I would feel more rested than if I panicked all night. Plus, I rarely have trouble sleeping, so it was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing. And I re-learned the lesson about abstaining from caffeine past mid-afternoon. Luckily, I made it through the day okay (pretty well, actually)!

2. The Bad. I went to the dentist yesterday. I had a cavity. *Sob*. And I have to go get a filling the day after my birthday. *Sob* ...It's actually not the biggest deal, but seriously? A cavity? Me? Honestly, I know no other human being who takes better care of his/her teeth than I do. So Not Fair!

3. The GOOD. Today, my resident was telling me about a patient who needed an LP.
"Have you ever done one?" she asked.
"No," I replied.
"Have you seen one done?" she asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Do you want to do it?" she asked.
Me: ..... blink ..... "okay!"
And so I did my first LP! After waffling only once about being scared! And I got it on the first try, so the guy only got stuck twice (once for lidocaine to numb, and once to actually puncture)!! It was seriously the most awesome thing ever... aside from delivering babies. So cool. I also got to stitch the inside of a guy's lip, which had busted open when he got punched in the face in a drunken altercation. Totally awesome. I love this rotation, yo! (But fear not, I am not changing career path yet again, to Emergency Medicine.)


Eric said...

And the doc told you how awesome your LP was! nice.

The Owl Archimedes said...

hm, spinal tap sounds scary for both parties. I hope I never need one. Also I think it's the title of a horror film or book.

Sorry about the cavity, that is seriously unfair!