Saturday, January 24, 2009

Livin' for the Weekend

Sometimes I wonder about my dedication to my future career--I really do live for the weekend. And when I'm on vacation, I don't want it to ever end. Someone once told me that you should reconsider your career choice if you're constantly planning your retirement... Hmmm...

But back to reality. I've buckled down and started looking into residency training programs. It ends up being sort of a blessing to be geographically limited by Eric's and my situation. There are so many good programs out there, and looking into all of them would be both costly and overwhelming. Right now, DC, Philly, Pittsburgh, and maybe some cities out west are looking like viable options. The worst part of all of this is the whole applying bit. Like, how many times in your life do you have to overstate all of your lame achievements and accomplishments in a CV, and write this forced personal statement and kiss up to people for letters of recommendation? And then wear a suit to interview with other suits, and smile and be charming? And then develop a stress ulcer and green diarrhea until you find out where you've been accepted? AHHHhhhh!

OK enough complaining. Back to positive!

Last night we went and saw Slumdog Millionaire, which was an incredibly moving story deserving of all the praise it's been getting. It has a definite underdog feel to it, so I do hope it does well at the Oscars... especially for direction; the kids in the movie were superb, which definitely has to be a sign of good direction. I haven't seen any of the other big Oscar movies this year, so I can't really do a compare. What are your picks for best fill-in-the-blank this year?

Fitness update, since the last post:
- Wed 1/21: 30min stairmaster (me)/treadmill (Eric), intense leg workout
- Fri 1/23: another DVD (strength + cardio + abs), intense abs
- Sat 1/24: arm workout #2, 20min treadmill (me)/stairmaster (Eric) (the gym was closing or we would've done 30min)

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

I dread Sundays (the Mondays of Kurdistan)...weekends by international law should be 3 days long.

green?? what makes it green???

Hm, this movie is not in the running, but I just saw Taken (with Liam Neeson) twice in 3 days- it's that good! The description of it sounded really bad, but it turned out to be excellent! Great action, shocking scenes, torture/spy scenes, total spy-efficiency from Liam Neeson's character! And of course the usual suspension of disbelief, though nothing compared to Alias.

My cupboard handles have the rambaldi symbol on them! My eyes got so wide when first noticed them!