Saturday, January 24, 2009

Five Silly Confessions

1. I totally watched the Miss America pageant tonight. It's pretty freakin' entertaining, except muting the TV is a must during the talent portion--most of the girls who have a "talent" of "singing" are really, really awful. Miss California and Miss Iowa were pretty awesome though. And Miss Hawaii was an honest-to-goodness hula dancer. Woot to all the dancers!

2. I'm embarrassed to admit that the new workout DVDs I've alluded to are DVDs made for fans of The Biggest Loser on NBC. I got an gift certificate for filling out a resident's research survey in December, and I decided to spend it on workout DVDs for those really really cold days when I had negative motivation for walking to the gym.
- The first one is Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred, which has three workouts of increasing difficulty. So far I've tried the easiest, and it was challenging but very reasonable. We'll see how the medium & difficult are. I like this dvd because it has a good variety of exercises that work a big range of muscle groups. And they pay some attention to proper form, which is really improtant. For $9 it's a good deal.
- The second is Cardio Max with the trainers on The Biggest Loser. This is the one that totally kicked my ass. It wasn't the cardio part of it, but rather the freakin' leg/ass workout from all the freakin' lunges Bob makes you do. The worst part is that there are all these very large people doing the workout with really poor form in the background, like it's no big deal! Argh. While I like the ass-kicking aspect of this dvd, I don't recommend it for an exercise novice because it doesn't instruct on proper form--something that can be really dangerous to your knees with a lunge-intense workout.

3. I have a total talent-crush on Usher. Man, he's a good dancer.

4. All but 2 pairs of my jeans are between 5 and 8 years old. The 2 non-ancient pairs are from this past week, when I did some shopping to update my sad-since-high-school wardrobe.

5. I've totally blogged too much today!

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