Saturday, December 13, 2008

Adventures in Le 'Burgh

First, fitness update:
Sat 12/06 ??? We don't remember what we did, but we're pretty sure we worked out
Tue 12/09 30min treadmill, arm workout on the ball
Wed 12/10 50min Pilates
Thur 12/11 30min Stairmaster, hard core legs
Sat 12/13 30min treadmill, arm workout #2 (killer!)
I'm really proud of us for having kept this up for a month! It feels great. We could be working a little more on the eating part of the health spectrum, but hey, who can say no to a PickaDippa from MadMex every now and then, right?

Now, on to the exciting things in my life of late:
  1. Crackberry Craze. Eric & I are now the very extremely excited owners of Blackberries! We each got a Curve, and boy is it amazing how different life is now that I can check my email during the day. Eric has expressed similar amazement at how life-changing the thing has been for him. Hopefully over winter break I can download some of the cool med reference programs that are really popular.
  2. Babies!!! OB-Gyne is SO AWESOME. It's made it into the top 2 fields I am interested in going into. I'm constantly blown away at how challenging and fulfilling it is, and in the way it combines all of the aspects of all the things I've loved through my training. I'm currently on the obstetrics part of my rotation, and I have to admit that I was drawn to tears during my first vaginal delivery--it really is such an amazing miraculous process, and I was so excited to have been given the opportunity to be there during such a big moment in the family's life.
  3. The Incident With the Flat Tire. The low-tire-pressure light had been on for awhile, but I had just kinda blown it off (I know, irresponsible). But this morning my landlord came and told us that my rear left tire was totally flat. On further inspection there was a screw firmly embedded in the tread. It looked like it'd been there for some time... oops. Eric & I (well, mostly Eric) changed our first tire ever! It was such a great feeling. I feel like I can cross "learn how to change a spare" off my List now. Woot.
  4. Wedding News. Well, not really wedding news, but headed that way... the planning has sorta almost begun! We're going to visit some potential locations over the break. You know, face reality and get down to dabizness. We's gettin' hitched!
  5. Holidays: can you believe they're already here!?!?!?!? Not I, my friends, Not I.
So those are the things going on in my life. No complaints. I have an amazing partner and a renewed excitement for my future career. In short: Life's awesome, how are you?

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

WoWWWW to numbers 3, 2, and 4 in order of increasing WoWness!

You're like a real professional, and I just saw you like last year when you weren't!

What locations?? Geezus do you have a tentative date/month?
