Sunday, September 14, 2008

Blogging like a crazy person!

I'm bloggin' so much lately! I think I'm inspired by Angie, bless her heart, blogging all the way from the middle east. Peace in the Middle East, my friends!

Anyway. Tonight Eric & I braved the hurricane (no, seriously) and went to see Burn Without Reading. We ended up walking way more than we had to--in the freakin crazy winds--due to a miscommunication between my friends and me. Miscommunication being: they told me to go to the wrong theater. But I'm almost over it, I promise. The movie is... interesting. It's just as the reviews on Slate and the Times have called it. 'sall I'm gonna say. Oh, but first: I'll also say that a PIECE OF THE THEATER ROOF FELL IN during the movie, which is scary, and then on the way home there was a TREE THAT HAD FALLEN OVER AND PULLED AN ELECTRIC LINE WITH IT. Blocking the way home. No, seriously. Hurricanes are scary, yo. Give me a good ol' duck'n'cover California earthquake any day!

My, oh my. I've babbled. I apologize. The point of this post is not to just babble like a crazy person (although that's what it really comes down to, isn't it? This blogging thing). The point of this post is to put up this link at the American Academy of Family Practice website, which does a nice job of differentiating between health care positions of Johnny McC and Barry O. I know there are a million lists out there but it doesn't hurt to be well-informed from multiple angles, I guess.


The Owl Archimedes said...

That sounds CRAZY! I don't think I've ever been through a hurricane before- one of those "things to do before I turn 30" items.

After what you said about 12-36 hours, I started trying to retrace my eating steps to figure out where I took a bad turn, but unfortunately, my meals have not been so memorable. I'm tempted to just throw out all the contents of my fridge and start anew. But that would be a waste! Oh the dilemma!

Thx for keeping me updated on American politics, I've been so out of the loop!

The Owl Archimedes said...

man has it been so long since we've seen each other? I don't remember how long I've been "vegetarian", but to be honest I'm more of a faux vegetarian- i'll eat birds and fish, and the occasional red meat even, if someone cooked it for me out of the goodness of their heart. But now, I"m pretty much giving up on avoiding it here in this lamb-loving region.

Gotta put a picture up of my new eyebrows! The girls say it makes my face hotter. The boys say it don't matter. (As in, they didn't notice)