Monday, March 24, 2008


This morning I decided to drive to the Waterfront Barnes & Noble to finish up my Renal Pathology studies. I listened to Sara Bareilles in the car on the way there, happily singing along as I drove. I had been studying a couple of hours when a man walked up to me, pointed to the Pitt Med logo on my jacket, and explained that he had graduated in 1990. He had noticed that I was studying for the boards, and he told me, "It's all so worth it, you'll really enjoy it, so good luck to you." And then he put a gift card in my hand, called to his kids, and walked away. I tried to call after him, but he said, "consider it a gift from alumni. Good luck!", and was gone.

I was so incredibly touched. It was such a nice gesture, completely unexpected and unsolicited. It made me want to do something just as generous and kind for someone else. It made me want to study really really hard to deserve it. It made me remember that there is so much amazingness all around us, all the time, and that we should always strive to keep it so.

Later, Sara Bareilles's cd played in entirety over the B&N speakers, and I sang along quietly, happy. Renal Pathophys never seemed so good.

Happy Spring, everyone!

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