Monday, March 17, 2008

Golly, I'm sorry!

My most sincere and humble apologies for the outrageous histrionic self-pity in the previous post. I am embarrassed to the point of wanting to pull the post down, but I'll keep it up there to remind myself not to wallow publicly. No more crying out loud, for crying out loud!

Life? Is good. I mean, I'm pursuing a dream, and I'm pursuing it because I had the good fortune of having parents who pushed me to be everything I could, who sacrificed so much so that I could climb this mountain I'm climbing. It's tough going right now, but I need to keep sight of reality: that this is a dream come true. It's just 4 more weeks in many years of a dream come true. And it's going to be more than just alright; it's going to be great. Life is good.

In a month, I'll be in Peru, and the boards will be behind me. And everything will be amazing and beautiful.

For everyone who commented on the last post - I thank you with all the thanks I can muster, as I slink away with my tail tucked under, ashamed of being selfish and silly and overdramatic. Thank you.

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