Monday, November 05, 2007


I need to be more positive. I feel like I'm a pretty positive person, but lately I feel like I've caught the medschool-students-love-to-complain bug. With things getting more and more hectic and busy in my life, it's been that much easier losing sight of the great things that are going on, and to focus instead on the annoying exhausting little ones.

So, a list of the awesomeness that was the last few days:
- I went to Boston! I got to see Mena and Divya and Kinji, and I ate so much delicious food, and now I've been to all of the Penangs, and it was fun traveling with my friend Anita!
- The conference we attended was super awesome and inspirational, and we made some great contacts. I feel like we've picked up momentum on the HepB Initiative, even if it's just the momentum of motivation.
- My favorite faculty member gave a lecture today, and I got to have a very nice conversation with him afterwards, in which he said we should set up a meeting in a couple of weeks.
- I'm in a recipe exchange, and I already got one recipe back!
- I had Peds Physical Exam today, and I got to see so many adorable little kids who were sick but on their way to adorable health, including a cute cute cute baby with Down's syndrome who still had the baby reflex where you touch the bottom of their foot and they curl their tiny little toes up against your finger.
- I remember things I learned over the course of the past year and a half!
- We're going to NYC in a month to see Cyrano on (off?) Broadway, and to visit Lid, and oh the joy and adventurous fun!! Have I mentioned I Heart my Eric??
- Thanksgiving will be awesome, in part because I think Crangie is coming for a whole week before hand for fun distractions!


1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

OHMYGOD, you get to see Sydney Bristow posing as a Broadway actress!! So awesome!!