Friday, October 12, 2007

A Rut Called Renal

I'm halfway through the renal block, and loooordy is the kidney boring. Booooring. I mean, I can't bring myself to care, and I find myself getting really crabby and curmudgeonly during class. I've begun grinding my teeth again, too. Big sigh. I think you can go ahead and check "nephrologist" off of the specialties I'd like to pursue.

Meanwhile, fall has suddenly decided to make a somewhat belated appearance. The temperature went from 90 degrees and humid on Tuesday to 55 degrees and nippy on Wednesday. I really like the cool, but there's that feeling of imminent snow in the air that makes me pause in my delight.

On a bright note, Eric & I drove to Toronto last weekend, where my favorite Lid joined us. We adventured and wined and dined. I attempted to sate my Szechuan craving, which worked somewhat temporarily. I love adventures! Next up: NYC. It's been too long.

Til then, I'm going to have to buckle down and really get into the kidney. And not get distracted by the billions of things going on around me: the Family Medicine conference next weekend, a big Hepatitis B screening fast approaching, Eric's parents visiting, wanting to go to the gym, wanting to bake, being 2/3 done with a knitted shawl, etc.

Wish me luck!


David said...

Sounds like someone needs to watch House instead of going to med school. Someone has kidney failure practically every episode and sometimes it does cool stuff like make their blood green. I think its the kidney - it's one of those organs that I sorta know what it does.

The Owl Archimedes said...

Good luck, sounds crazy and fun!

Kid knees are not boring- they are knobby:)