Sunday, February 11, 2007

Long Time No Blog

I guess I just haven't felt like blogging much. That's not to say there haven't been plenty of exciting things to blog about. A list of highlights:

  • ENT day & Optho day: finally actually seeing someone's retina through my opthalmoscope.
  • Meeting my GEM! He's 88 and awesome!
  • My amazing classmates showcasing their amazingness at the Talent Show.
  • Deciding to bike across the country to raise money for affordable housing
  • Deciding not to bike across the country to raise money for affordable housing after all, then deciding to instead stay in Pittsburgh and earn money doing research about nutrition & exercise in geriatric patients.
  • Discovering the Pacifica Pita at Te Cafe: the best sandwich ever, pretty much, yeah.
  • Swimming and running and biking and yoga-ing, and lifting weights and oh, the soreness but oh, the relief at regaining fitness (but oh, the horror of the naked old ladies in the locker room...)
  • My Behavior Modification, and joys thereof (more to be blogged later).
  • Getting up at 4am to see Punxsatawney Phil prognosticate an early spring on Groundhogs Day!
  • Learning about crazy autoimmune diseases, including ankylosing spondylitis and lupus and Raynaud's phenomenon.
  • My very first patient ever, on my very first day on the wards ever.
  • Shopping for wedding dresses with a friend (she's getting married, not me!).
  • The crazy singing man at the 61C.
  • An assortment of dinner parties.
  • My Natural History of Medicine course, and my yet to be written paper for it: interesting stuff: more to be blogged later, hopefully.
Toldya I was on fiyah ;)

I hope everyone had a fantabulous January. Stay warm!

1 comment:

David said...

earn money doing research about nutrition & exercise in geriatric patients

if you read it as:
earn money doing research about (nutrition & exercise) in geriatric patients
it is interesting

but if you read it as:
(earn money doing research about nutrition) & (exercise in geriatric patients)
it is a lot more interesting

Is this a final decision or are you still going back and forth on summer plans?

How was the Punxsatawney event? Sounds interesting, but not sure why you had to ask Phil - spring started about 2 weeks ago.