Friday, January 19, 2007

Tsssst -- I'm on Fi-yah!

Recently I came to the realization that regardless of whether I put 50, 75, or 100% effort into studying, my exam scores tend to fall into a solidly satisfying range. So I found myself face-to-face with a decision I have never had the cojones to make before: STOP STUDYING. I mean, of course I'll do what I need to in order to ensure a passing grade and a knowledge basis for the USMLE's. But otherwise, I'm concentrating on other aspects of my life.

Contrary to what you may think, this has all put me in an unusually motivated state lately... not motivated in school, per se, but motivated in general. I slept in this morning rather than lug my tired ass to school, where I would inevitably resent the course and fall asleep in class. And boy, does it feel great. And it doesn't end there! I finally called and set up a meeting date (tomorrow!) with my geriatrics patient. I joined the JCC and have been working out (!!). I went to yoga (!!!). I got to the Apple store and replaced my defunct iPod for a stylish new inspi(red) nano. I'm entering a couple of baked goods in the bake-off at tomorrow night's Talent Show. I'm hosting my FAST group game night Sunday. I signed up for my drugs & alcohol rehab experience.

And, for the first time in awhile, I'm excited about school. It's like high school, where school was all about the time outside the classrooms; academics were an afterthought. And everything fell into place so easily then. Hopefully that's where my newfound outlook takes me.

Who knows, maybe I'll rediscover my highschool-era muscles, too. Hot diggity. Dayam!

Watch out. Here I come!

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

hurray for rejuvenation!!! glad to see you've got med school all figured out now. thanks for the septa coupons!