Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fallen Off the Wagon

No fitness update this week because, my friends: I DID NOT EXERCISE THIS WEEK.

Unless you count the 9000+ steps per day I've walked the halls at the new hospital (including going up and down as many as 6 flights of steps at a time, thank you very much). But once you start counting daily activity in exercise, you lose. So it doesn't count.

I have no real excuse for my miserable failure except that I was both jet lagged and tired. I fell into the rotten nap trap, which is the reason I am very anti-napping. The Rotten Nap Trap is a cycle that plays out as follows:

Come home exhausted -> Fall asleep -> Wake up too late to do anything productive but eat dinner -> Try to go to sleep -> Can't fall asleep -> Try -> Can't (repeat a few times) -> Feel awful about having napped -> Keep trying and can'ting -> Finally fall asleep in the wee hours -> Wake up feeling awful -> Go to work with sleep debt

So this weekend I'm wearing myself out, no naps allowed, in hopes of breaking the vicious cycle. This morning I was very productive: I swapped out my winter and summer clothes, did laundry, put clean sofa cushion covers on the sofa cushions, and dusted the bedrooms, went to the bank, saw the 4th year's annual end-of-med-school musical production. I am le tired. But alas, no napping allowed!

Tomorrow: back on the wagon.

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