I apologize in advance for this post. I know these things are lame and cheesy, and totally self-indulgently egocentric (that's why they're called memes I guess). But I have a month of semi-vacation and by golly, I am going to do stupid sh*t for the next 28 days, so help me.
This meme is about my relationship with Eric. Again, I apologize. You can stop reading now, I won't mind, I swear, I even recommend it. I sorta want to vomit just thinking of writing it. So seriously, just close the window and have a fantastic day :) Happy March to you!
How long have you been together?
3 years and 7 months and a handful of days.
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
About 8 months? Or something. We were in a group of friends that cooked (and drank) together during the last semester of college. It was one of those times where you socialize a lot, but try really hard not to start a relationship because of the huge scary void of post-graduation that looms ahead.
Who asked whom out?
I have no idea, honestly, I don't really know if we ever really went out the 2 of us. I did, however, invite him to hang out at my new apartment--which might have been the first time we were ever alone together. So maybe I asked him out? I dunno.
How old are each of you?
He is 27 days short of being 26, and I am another 27 days behind him :)
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Probably his. His family is more "let's get together and be a family" than mine is.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Being long-distance. We're pretty chill and stuff but the distance was really tough.
Did you go to the same school?
Penn! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah for the red and the blue!
Are you from the same home town?
Nope! We're from totally different home towns and had totally different experiences growing up.
Who is smarter?
Hmm. This is a stupid question, because there are so many different kinds of intelligence. Like, he's much better at doing math in his head than I am, whereas I'm smarter at medical/biochem kind of stuff solely because of my education. He has much better street-smarts and outdoorsy sense than I do and could probably survive getting lost in the snowy woods, whereas I would probably sit down and feel sorry for myself and cry until I froze to death or something. Our SAT scores were probably similar. So I would say: we're equally smart but our smarts complement each other nicely :)
Who is the most sensitive?
I definitely am, but he has the perfect amount of sensitivity.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Chez Kim-Signoff! Last night I made chicken biryani, yo! And two nights ago I made this totally awesome cornbread with okra/pepper topping, and aloo gobi. Woot. But no seriously, we eat out at Rose Tea Cafe, to the point where we've become buddies with the staff, and don't need a menu to order...
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Hmm. From Pittsburgh/Philly, the farthest is Big Sur maybe? We drove from Kansas to Pittsburgh, which is a pretty long distance to cover by car. Man I'm realizing we haven't really gone many places together.
Who has the craziest exes?
I think him. My exes are totally boring, yo.
Who has the worst temper?
Oh, totally me, it's a recurring thing in my dad's side of the family. But I've mollified a bit since childhood. I think we're both fairly chill & even-keeled people overall.
Who does the cooking?
We're even-steven with cooking. We're pretty evenly matched in skills and repertoire, too. It's like smarts: our abilities complement each other well. I do the Indian/Asian and some staples, and he does the Mediterranean and adventurous stuff. He also bakes bread and muffins. I know. I'm lucky as hell.
Who is the neat-freak?
Me. Except I have the awful habit of keeping clothes piled in the Yaffa in the bedroom, and also the even more awful habit of leaving paperwork scattered all over the dining room table. But clutter and stuff on the carpet really gets under my skin. Luckily Eric's pretty clean.
Who hogs the bed?
Hmm. Neither. We have a habit of migrating away from each other to the edges of the bed. But sometimes I get cold and roll all the way to his side, and then I guess I'm pretty much hogging the bed. I dunno. That's kinda a weird question. I feel awkwardly embarrassed. I'll stop typing now.
Who wakes up earlier?
Usually me, by 1-3 hours, depending on what rotation I'm on. But THIS MONTH I AM SLEEPING IN TIL 8AM EVERY DAY WOOOOOT!!
Where was your first date?
Hmm. I would say Sushi Roku, but this is probably not technically true. Meh. Whatever.
Who is more jealous?
I have no clue. Neither of us is too jealous? I would say we're equally unjealous.
How long did it take to get serious?
This is a stupid question. I have no idea what "serious" means. Maybe a few months?
Who eats more?
We eat about the same amount at meals but Eric snacks more I think. But I'm like 2/3 his size so technically I should eat 2/3 of what he eats. So relatively speaking I eat more, but speaking per volume, he does. This is another stupid question. I'm sorry if you got this far. I warned you!
Who does the laundry?
We each do our own laundry separately, sometimes we do each others stuff too. I usually do the combined stuff like linens and towels and stuff.
Who's better with the computer?
Who drives when you are together?
Him, me, I dunno. Before he got insurance on my car, I definitely drove more. But now I get lazy and want him to drive. Probably him.
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