Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Boy, wasn't the Inauguration just totally insane? There were so many people there. And at night! All those celebrities! I found the inaugural address to be great although not as soaring and personally moving as some of President Obama's (!) previous speeches have been. But holy moly, all the balls were just crazy. It was ridiculous seeing all those celebrities on the same stage as the Big O and his Mrs (who, by the way, looked totally amazing all day, I am so jealous of her physique and fashion). "Neighborhood" Ball? What "neighborhood" are we talking about, exactly? One in which Snoop Dogg and Ray Romano coexist, and Ray Charles, Faith Hill and Mariah Carey sing together. Huh. (Don't you think Faith Hill is totally a Republican?)

For me, watching the Neighborhood Ball was like driving by an accident--I couldn't look away, even though the whole concept of Beyonce standing on a platform singing to the Obamas as they danced on a second platform while millions of people watched was just cringe-inducingly weird. Like, really? And the shuffle-step dancing that the President was doing! Cringe! Heebeejeebies! Someone pass me a shot of some'in' some'in! Quick!

[Sidenote: Snoop Dogg totally lives in my neighborhood in California, yo. So maybe the ball was supposed to be a representaton of my neighborhood in California? But then where were all the Asian people?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I assumed the Neighborhood Ball was in reference to the ability for anyone to go as it was $25 for a ticket...