My 2008 was pretty chock-full-o'-SCHTUFF, yo. Sakes alive, it was the most full-est year ever. I wrote a post a couple days ago with a list of stuff that happened last year, but it was long and boring. So I'll narrow it down to: I went hikng in Peru! I passed the boards! I got engaged! I learned how to be a doctor! I delivered babies and removed cancer from people (well, I watched/helped)!
And now it's all behind me. But not to worry, there's a big year ahead of us, friends! The fun never stops. I've been in total denial about the fact that I have to choose my specialty soon. I'm almost done with my required clerkship rotations! Soon I'll be doing my acting internship (a "practice"/audition month), then on to electives (aka "the big chill"). And then I'll apply to programs and hopefully interview at a few... all within the year ahead. Eric will start med school, and we may be a traveling couple again. But what's a year when there's forever ahead, right?
What a year ahead! 2009! Happy New Year! Akemashite omedetou!
I have a number of New Years resolutions, of which I've already forgotten a few. Drat. Owell. Some of the ones I remember:
- Eric & I can only eat out for dinner 5 times per month
- try to be more motivated about studying for end-of-clerkship exams
- keep up the gym & pilates & moderately healthy diet
- try to be more positive (complain less)
I know resolutions are kinda crap, and nobody keeps them, but I think these are general goals I've been trying to maintain rather than new lofty unrealistic aspirations. We'll see how it goes.
One other thing I want to do this year is to start blogging more. But with less introspective crap like some undergrad with too much time on her hands... I want to start blogging about things that are happening in my day-to-day life. There are a ton of people who have wedding-planning related blogs, or food blogs, crafting/knitting blogs, photography blogs, etc. I want to sort of combine it all and share what I do outside of school. Like - I've never taken pictures of anything I've ever knit, or cooked. I never record the ideas I have for the "W" (Angie freaks out with the actual word wedding. Oops sorry Crange). So maybe I'll start doing that here. And I'll keep posting about our progress as exercise freaks.
Best wishes for a very happy new year to you!
I'll go ahead and say 2008 was a pretty damn amazing winner of a year. A year ago the blueprint was set, but who knew what was going to happen? Before it started, I hadn't started shopping for a ring. You hadn't studied for the boards or thought about what to pack for Peru. It's interesting to think how 2009 will surprise us.
i'm so glad you hinted at my email, or else I would have kept on trying to send it to you and you would've ended up with like 30 of the same email in your box! Stupid slow internet connection! Wedding. There I said it! Wedding wedding wedding!
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