Saturday, November 15, 2008


I'm just catching the tail end of Armageddon on TV, and I find myself crying at the super-sappy ending of this movie. To remind you (you've probably blocked this awful movie from your memory): Harry (Bruce Willis) forces AJ (Ben Affleck) to allow Harry to be the one who sacrifices himself to save the world from the killer asteroid. Then, with the whole world watching/listening, he tele-communicates with his daughter/AJ's fiancee Grace (Liv Tyler) and says goodbye. Then all sorts of silly things happen, but Harry manages to save the world with only a couple of milliseconds to spare. As he presses the button to detonate himself and the asteroid, there are all these flashback scenes of Grace as a kid. The rest of the asteroid-busting team comes back to earth somehow, and there are all kinds of slo-mo running-to-reunite scenes, AJ and Gracie kiss in slow motion, and then the Aerosmith song "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" plays. Ah, cheese. I know it's cheesy but I can't stop the tears! Stop! Stop!

Speaking of cheese, I love cheese! We got some aged sheep's milk cheese at the Strip today. Yum.

Also, I've discovered that Bruce Willis has mucho-effed-up lower teeth, with multiple snaggles! I love finding snaggletooths like me!!

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