Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I was person #67 to vote in Pennsylvania precinct 14 district 4! These are exciting times, people! Govote! Govote!

I know that mail-in voting is popular, but I have to say there's just something so satisfying about standing in that little machine thing pressing that blinking red "VOTE!" button...

Go! Goooo Barry O! Go! Good omen #1: the Steelers won/Redskins lost last night.


The Owl Archimedes said...

Gobama! It's even exciting all the over here in Iraq, but I do wish I was there!

There are some things I don't like about this job, but there are so many things I love so much about it that I can't imagine leaving it all next year! But geez I gotta go back to school pronto! Oh the dilemma! I wish I could freeze time like HIro. Is Heroes going? Oo, i miss good American tv drama. Tell me how your Turkey day goes! Are you having another orphan party?

L said...

Voting was an interesting experience.

I waited in line for nearly two hours at 7:30 am. We still have those old-fashioned levered machines because NY state won't listen to the mandates for e-machines.

My friend made a cake shaped like the United States and we filled in red/blue icing as the states were called.

People danced on the streets and on top of cabs in my neighborhood until the wee hours of the morning.

Ah, America the Beautiful.