Friday, September 05, 2008

"On The Brink"

I'm watching "Stand Up to Cancer" on E! right now. It's a remarkable assortment of famous and non-famous people who have come together to share their personal stories of illness and loss, to perform, and to beg the American people to donate money for cancer research. It's awfully sad, actually, and equally touching to see that so many people have come together for one cause. Miley Cyrus and Mariah Carey, singing together! Footage of Charles Barkley getting a colonoscopy! Homer and Marge! Tina Fey and the cast of 30 Rock in character! Patrick Swayze (bless his heart)!

It's awesome, but what makes me incredibly uneasy is that they're asking for money with the claim that cancer can be cured in 3-5 years if we all come together and push science along. A researcher somewhere claims that he can feel "the cure" like he can feel rain: it's close, and tangible. We're on the brink, they say. It's similar to the argument people were making for stem cell research a few years ago. There were claims that we would be able to use stem cells to cure diabetes, to give people their own healthy livers back, and more. It was for a great cause, but with false promises. While some things really are just around the corner, others are far off--lofty goals for future generations to finally tease apart. If we are going to ask people for their kind charity, we can't mislead them with beliefs that their money will directly lead to "the end of cancer" in our lifetimes. We can only promise them that their generosity will contribute to the improved health of future generations, if not their own.

So donate, or spread the word. But know that cancer's a bigger thing than we are right now, but someday it just might not be. And be inspired by all the fighters, survivors, victims--past, present, and future. Even though "the cure" is years away, there are things you can absolutely do now: please, please take care of yourself. Get that colonoscopy, that breast exam, that digital rectal. Stop smoking. Stop drinking. Wear sunscreen every day. Exercise as much as you can. And be the annoying person who tells everyone you know to do the same.


David said...

Is a digital rectal exam when they check to see how pixelated your butt is?

Given the seriousness of your post I feel like my comment should be more serious, but I think you covered it all.

The Owl Archimedes said...

Thanks for the advice Jess. Sunscreen during the winter too? I need to start exercising again.

By the way, about the hella thing, I think I've spent too much time on the west coast, where they still use that old-as-cheese term from the 90s. Everything is hella this or hella that!

Good luck with the next two months! I'll try to send some love your way during this time probably through fedex because we can't send out regular mail from here.

L said...

thanks for this post. i miss you.

are you going to Cali for xmas? I hope so...

sarahsookyung said...

you're totally welcome to stay at my place! is that a holiday? hey, by the way, would you guys be able to come here for thanksgiving? i know, it's really far ahead, but my roommate asked if i'd be here.

sarahsookyung said...

is drinking a couple beers once a week or so bad for you?