Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Remember that awful song by that American Idol dude, I'm Sorry for 2004? I'm definitely not sorry for 2007. But not unhappy to see it gone, and to welcome in 2008. Welcome, 2008!

Happy New Year, everyone!


The Owl Archimedes said...

Welcome, welcome 2008! Can't wait! It'll be great! Wonder what'll germinate! A date? A crate? A crate of dates? It's sure to fascinate!

~From the hidden files of Dr. Seuss

The Owl Archimedes said...

eee, hope I didn't distract you from a buttload of schoolwork (or have you started your next term yet?). I did the same thing after writing that post, reading comments on the article and such.

"neo-conservative"...that's a term I have to research someday. Never really had a clear grasp of what it means.

Yeehaw on the Iowa results!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was just called "Sorry 2004" and I thought "lame-o. what kind of title is that??..."

happy hippy hoppy new year!