Today started off mediocre enough; perhaps less than mediocre, even. I didn't sleep well, I had to get up early, I was dreading a certain non-team-player in a group I work with on Mondays.
But it turned out to be a great day!
On Mondays, I have my Introduction to Patient Care course, which has taken me through the halls of the hospital, into the offices a local family practice office, and most recently to the inpatient floors of the children's hospital. Today was my 3rd Pediatric physical exam day. In Peds, I get to examine a cute little kiddo. I love it. Today, we were stationed on the adolescent medicine ward, specifically. Adolescents can be nerve-wracking for a lot of clinicians--what teenager is ever willing to tell you about their social life, let alone their bowel movements, let alone their drug use or sexual activitiy? I was lucky, though, and got a sweet patient young man with the most easy-going personality, and a case that I can relate to personally.
I felt "on" today, I felt competent, even good at being a doctor-in-training. Things are finally starting to click--the classroom learning, the experience with the patients, both fake and real. It makes me excited to be entering this field, where I listen to people's problems and get to try to help them get better. What more, I was given really really great feedback about things that I've always wanted to be good at--engaging my patients, making them feel comfortable, appearing nonjudgmental and unobtrusive yet still getting to the nitty-gritty.
Needless to say, hooray!
In other fun news, a recap of my lovely weekend:
On Friday night, my knitting club met for the second time, and it was good times galore--the perfect end to a day that began with a gentle Pulmonology exam. On Saturday morning, Eric, Eva & I woke up moderately early to head up to the Grove City Prime Outlets, where I bought so many funderful goodies for myself! And so did Eva, and so did Eric! My quirky buys included checkered earmuffs and a pair of bright green rubber galoshes. Not all purchases were quirky, though; in fact, most were the practical sweater or pair of slacks. It's interesting what the need for business casual clothes will do to your shopping habits. Sweaters and slacks, button-down shirts and blouses.
But it's a minor trade-off for getting to be a doctor someday! Hooray!
1 comment:
Eek! Isn't it a mighty coincidence that You, me, Sarah and Lisa all came down with something at the same time? Is Eva holding up? Lisa thinks it might have been the sprite that I passed around at Plough.
Feel better soon!
And yeah, I forgot about that fun little dialogue about Penn-not-Penn-State. We should all just come up with really wacko descriptions of what they "do" for cocktail parties and such.
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