Monday, May 14, 2007

Oooh, I Forgot!, and a Correction

I forgot to mention: Today I got my first bit of artwork from a pediatric patient!
I was super-duper impressed by the 5-year-old's coloring skillz, until I asked her,
"What colors did you use to color your picture?"
to which the reply was,
"I don't know, I just used the special marker on the picture and the colors just showed up."
Not to mention the fact that she has never actually seen the movie Cinderella!

I hate to be an old fart, but: Geez! Little kids these days!

And my correction: I just referenced my day planner and counted the actual number of days it took me to complete the Tri (see previous entry), and it will be 32 days when I finish the last leg of swimming. So I did it in about a month! Only a quarter as pathetic! Woohoo!

1 comment:

The Owl Archimedes said...

weeeird- cinderella references in both our most recent posts! you know what they say about great minds...