Saturday, May 06, 2006

Just Killing Time

Get this: in exactly a week, I'll be headed west on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, destination: Pittsburgh, flanked by two people I love most in the bench of a 14' UHaul. Scary and exciting to be starting the next chapter of my life. (God, that sounds so cliche.)

A week left, and what am I doing? Not packing; I'm in the lab waiting for a gel to run. The thing about research is that it's unpredictable in terms of time-course. You plan things out, estimate how long things will take and how much it'll all cost. Then you order stuff, you run experiments, they fail, you start over. It takes much more time and money than you could have ever imagined. Or you run experiments, they work, the project moves quickly, under budget and ahead of time... It's completely out of your control, and completely unpredictable. You can only be extremely careful and precise with your technique, and hope for the best-- but that doesn't ensure any success or expediency at all. It just minimizes time wasted due to human error.

Anyway, I'm just killing time. I was reading back over my old Xanga site, and other peoples' sites, too. I found this "What City Do You Belong In?" quiz thing on someone's blog-- I'm not sure if I really agree with my results, but hey I've never been to London, so who knows. Hopefully I'll get my ass to Europe sometime soon, so I can judge for myself where I feel like I belong most.

You Belong in London

A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.

This entry was kinda rambling and I think the grammar was atrocious: apologies. Fifteen more minutes and I'm outta here!

Peasout, homestars.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.